Who we are
We are a group of veterinary doctors, ecologists and pathologists focused on the study of wildlife with a multidisciplinary approach. Our logotype summarizes the multidisciplinary of our work:
The fox represents wildlife, the main character of our group.
The leaf symbolizes the environmental variation, the true cornerstone of ecology.
The DNA helix symbolizes pathogens and diseases breaking the balance of nature.
Finally, the histogram represents the need of modelling for understanding the complex interactions between the previously mentioned factors.
Our research integrates ecology, pathology and statistical modelling to address wildlife health and management issues. Our research aims to understand the link between the environmental variation, the infectious diseases and the health of wildlife populations in a broad sense. We aim to develop not only a better understanding of the most common host-pathogen
systems but also to provide a scientifically-sound foundation upon which to base wildlife population management and conservation measures.

Training programme
Our research team have provided scientific training for more than 75 postgraduate students. We are very proud to know that most of the postgraduates that completed their training with us are now working in national and international qualified centres and institutions. Our training programme is a guarantee of success.
About the Wildlife Ecopathology Service (SEFaS)
The health of wildlife populations can be compromised not only by environmental conditions but also by the effect of infectious, parasitic, and toxin diseases. Discriminating the role played by each of the factors is a complex task and requires both the pathological study of the animals found sick or death in the environment and a broad knowledge of the natural history of the species.
At SEFaS we offer both: a diagnosis of the causes of an animal disease, and advice on the impact of the most important diseases on their populations, on the domestic animals with which they share habitat and humans.