Overcoming the limitations of wildlife disease monitoring

Integrated wildlife monitoring merges infection dynamics with the ecology of wildlife populations. In this work, we identify eleven main limitations in the establishment of integrated wildlife monitoring which could be summarized into funding constraints and lack of harmonization and information exchange. Achieving and optimizing integrated wildlife monitoring is a must that allows the identification of the drivers of epidemics and the prediction of the trends and changes in disease and population dynamics before the cross-transmission of pathogens.

This research has recently been issued in Research Directions: One Health, More information here: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/research-directions-one-health/article/overcoming-the-limitations-of-wildlife-disease-monitoring/3103FCA7726C42B6F2A0FDDD36B9EBC2?utm_campaign=shareaholic&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=bookmark