Carlos Hernández Castellano
Facultat de Veterinaria, Edifici V, V0-323
Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB)
E-08193 Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès)
Telephone: +34 935 811 923
Facultat de Veterinaria, Edifici V, V0-323
Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB)
E-08193 Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès)
Telephone: +34 935 811 923
PhD in terrestrial ecology (UAB-CREAF). My main research path is insect ecology, in particular ants and pollinators. I have joined the WE&H group due to my increasing interest in understanding the impact of large herbivores on pollinator communities and plant-pollinator networks. My approach is based on dealing with ecological challenges using the classic naturalistic approach based on the direct observation of natural phenomena.