Josep M. López Martín
Head of Barcelona department of Fish and Wildlife management
Departament d’Agricultura, Ramaderia, Pesca i Alimentació
Serveis Territorials a Barcelona
E-08018 Barcelona
Telephone: +34 934 092 090
Head of Barcelona department of Fish and Wildlife management
Departament d’Agricultura, Ramaderia, Pesca i Alimentació
Serveis Territorials a Barcelona
E-08018 Barcelona
Telephone: +34 934 092 090
I am a zoologist with a broad interest on wildlife ecology and game management. I am currently working on crop damages due to wild ungulates (wild boar and red deer). My research is focused on the use and improvement of ecological indicators and monitoring methods for wildlife population assessment. I am also working on the management of human-wildlife conflicts in urban and rural environments. Conservation biology is a great interest to me.